Social media-app Pickador win Silicon Valley trip - Chalmers Ventures

Social media-app Pickador win Silicon Valley trip

Pickador is the winner of Chalmers Innovation Startup Camp Spring 2015. During the ten week program, they have developed their idea and is now the winner of an entreprenurial trip to Silicon Valley.

Pickador is a mobile application that sorts out the most relevant content from the users social media feeds, based on what the users marks as likes and diss-likes. The plan is to release the application during 2015.

Over 80 teams applied, and out of them, 11 teams where selected to participate in the Startup Camp process. Now after ten weeks, on May 19th, it was time for the final pitches. The ten week process helps the teams to work with and develop their tech-based business ideas. This toghether with a helping hand from business coaches, wide network and inspiring lectures. The winning team should under this short period of time come a long way, being present during the process and supported towards the other teams.

– This team barely needed coaching, they have gone from strength to strength. I really believe that they have every qualification to create something big, says Szofia Jakobsson, Camp General

The Pickador team consists of Osman Mirza, Ibrahim Jabarkhel, Hannes Sandberg, Pierre Karlsson, Minna Sandberg and Anja Sandberg.

– We won because we are a strong team that know each other very well, says Ibrahim Jabarkhel. We had some adversities i the beginning but we stuck together and came out strong, Minna Sandberg fills in. We have had a good and close contact with our coaches and got helpfull and concrete tips. The timing for Pickador is spot on and is a product that we want for ourselves and have scalability. People simply like it, ends Ibrahim Jabarkhel and Minna Sandberg.