Scaffcalc - Chalmers Ventures
chalmers ventures portfolio company


In Sweden, scaffoldings collapses on an average of once per week. This causes injuries to both workers and passersby, and sometimes even death. The main reason to this is lack of knowledge on how to calculate the strength of the scaffolding which leads to faulty installations. Instead, scaffolding companies trust their gut feeling. In a study made by Byggnads and Arbetsmiljöverket, they found that approximately 50 % of all scaffolding projects in Sweden lacks calculation documents, even though it is required by law to have documentation. The remaining ones indicated that they had documentation of some kind, but not necessarily the correct ones.

The Scaffcalc software is a calculation tool for scaffolding companies, in which they can calculate their own projects-without needing any prior knowledge. Scaffcalc replaces expensive consultants with long lead times. Put in your dimensions and Scaffcalc will give you calculation documents with instructions on how to secure your scaffolding, within seconds.

Scaffcalc has made it easy, fast and affordable to follow the law. Scaffolding companies can now calculate their own scaffoldings and together we can secure the streets from falling scaffolding.