Startup camp helped us make our hobby into a company. - Chalmers Ventures

Startup camp helped us make our hobby into a company.

”Without the Startup camp, Parakey wouldn’t have come this far as we come today. Probably would Parakey continued as a hobby. Today we are a company and have a product that soon will be launched and costumers who are waiting”, says Jonas Arvidsson, Parakey Co-Founder/CEO

Parakey is a brand new access control system, build to capture today’s fast-changing needs of current physical access. It is cloud-based and uses the smartphone and wearables as the key instead of key cards and tags.

Parakey graduated from Startup camp the spring of 2014, batch 5. Together with Sigmastocks they won the price for best team. The four friends applied with a great idea and wanted to start their journey as entrepreneurs. But they did’t know how or where to start. They also did’t know how to realise their idea or buid a product that costumer would want to pay for.

I absolutely would recommend the Startup camp”, says Jonas Arvidsson

Read more about Parakey: