#greenUps is the unique network for green innovations - Chalmers Ventures

#greenUps is the unique network for green innovations


#greenUps is short for greentech startups and consists of companies within Chalmers Ventures working with green innovations. They have created a forum to share experiences and contacts, and also to help eachother create attention around businesses that uses the earths resources more effeciently and with less environmental impacts.

Green Gothenburg is the citys effort to spread knowledge about sustainable solutions for the city and region, and now they have chosen to highlight #greenUps. The network can include everyone that in one way or another wants to make good use of the worlds resources, but always with a commercial interest.. Chalmers Ventures successful work has resulted in a cluster of new greentech companies within for example renewable energy, water purifying, waste disposal, energy efficiency and sustainable consumption.

#greenUps today currently consists of AquaRobur, Acosense, Wavetube, Minesto, Energimolnet, ReVibe Energy, Epishine, Penthon, Ecoera, Minedo, Swedish Algae Factory, Wood Power Technologies, TRINE and Waterweave.

If you are interested in #greenUps, please contact Håkan Axelsson.


Bild: Green CC BY-ND 2.0