4 utav 20 bolag på Venture Cup's topplista från Encubation - Chalmers Ventures

4 utav 20 bolag på Venture Cup’s topplista från Encubation

Encubation fortsätter producera morgondagens mest spännande startups. I årets upplaga av Venture Cup återfinns inte mindre än fyra utav Encubations projekt på topplistan.

Bioserva (läs mer)
Bioserva is developing a new storage solution for biobanks, solving issues related to refreezing fluid biosamples after an analysis, thereby preserving sample quality for future research.

Lisa Hanse, +46 73 436 83 62
Mikael Sjöblom, +46 70 348 66 88
Sammie Chimusoro, +46 76 559 51 25

Atium (läs mer)
Atium is developing a research-based technology for removing mercury and other toxic heavy metals from water. The patent-pending technology removes very low concentrations in a sustainable way.

Emma Ericson, emmaeri@student.chalmers.se
Johan Björkquist, johbj@student.chalmers.se

Nemetic (läs mer)
Nemetic is developing a new surgical instrument that will reduce the time needed for open abdominal surgeries, lower healthcare costs and free up valuable surgery space for patients in need.

Linn Bäckegren, linnba@student.chalmers.se
Jonathan Fager, fagerj@student.chalmers.se
Linus Kingfors, kingfors@student.chalmers.se

Strintagi (läs mer)
Strintagi provides a service that helps gamers step up their game. Gamers can upload their game replays to receive feedback and recommendations on how to improve their gaming through an AI.

Sten li, stenl@student.chalmers.se
Kara Ikaneng, karabo@student.chalmers.se
Jacob Holmén, jacobho@student.chalmers.se

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