Micvac: A Milestone for Food Tech – 100 MSEK in revenue and 4.6 MSEK in net profit
onsdag, 20 mars, 2024
Micvac, a pioneering force in the food processing and packaging industry, is excited to announce an achievement in its journey towards revolutionizing the way we think about food. In 2023, the company proudly reached 100 MSEK in revenue along with 4.6 MSEK in net profit, marking a 70% growth over the past five years. This […]
Pontus Ottosson – New CEO of Chalmers Ventures
måndag, 18 december, 2023
We are proud to announce Pontus Ottosson as the new CEO of Chalmers Ventures. Pontus Ottosson, currently working as Head of Investments at Chalmers Ventures, will assume the role of CEO on January 1, 2024. Pontus replaces Sara Wallin, who in turn becomes the new CEO of the Chalmers Foundation. -Chalmers Ventures has had a […]
CEO Chalmers Ventures
onsdag, 25 oktober, 2023
We are looking for a CEO Apply at Alumni Chalmers Ventures is one of Northern Europe’s leading tech investors and venture builders, with a special focus on deep tech and university spinouts. The operation is known for its ability to build companies around pioneering research and achieve profitable exits through active ownership and investments. Chalmers […]
Flera vinnare på IVAs 100-lista med i Chalmers Ventures portfolio
onsdag, 10 maj, 2023
Nu presenterar Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (IVA) årets 100-lista med forskningsprojekt som bedöms ha stor potential att komma till nytta genom kommersialisering, affärs- och metodutveckling eller samhällspåverkan. Årets lista samlar innovationer som riktar in sig på teknik i mänsklighetens tjänst inom klimatomställning, energiförsörjning, välfärdsteknologi, cybersäkerhet och krisberedskap. Nio av de totalt 79 projekten har sitt ursprung i […]
Atley Solutions raises 13,7 million SEK in a new share issue
tisdag, 25 april, 2023
Press release Chalmers Ventures portfolio company, Atley Solutions, has raised 13,7 million SEK in a new share issue. The company is now transitioning from product development to launch while also preparing to establish the company in the USA. – Our field is growing internationally and fastest in the USA. Much of the research is happening […]
Retein tar in 11 miljoner kronor i nyemission med namnstarka investerare
torsdag, 20 april, 2023
Chalmers Ventures portföljbolag Retein (tidigare Aquammodate) tar in 11 miljoner kronor. Bakom investeringen står Chalmers Ventures tillsammans med Navigare Ventures, Industrifonden och Butterfly Ventures. Chalmers Ventures har varit med från start när Chalmersforskaren Simon Isaksson tillsammans med Martin Andersson, professor inom kemi på Chalmers, grundade bolaget vars patenterade upptäckt innebär en unik metod där biobaserad […]
Chalmers Ventures invests in Intended Future – AI-driven design development.
måndag, 3 april, 2023
Chalmers Ventures is making an investment in portfolio company Intended Future as the company raises a total of 1.2 million SEK in an investment round. Intended Future offers data-driven analysis and tailored AI algorithms that help engineers predict the design customers will want in the future. The company’s roots lie in ten years of research […]
Endre Tech predicts future electricity demand
fredag, 17 mars, 2023
/// Press release | Endre Tech | New portfolio company at Chalmers Ventures /// Electrification is seen as the key to transitioning many industries. This means that Sweden’s, Europe’s, and the world’s electricity distributors face record investments in new smart grids. Endre Tech facilitates more informed decisions for grid companies. Now, the company becomes one […]
3 av 10 vinnare till ÅForsk Entreprenörstipendium i Chalmers Ventures portfoliobolag
onsdag, 1 mars, 2023
Tre av tio innovativa entreprenörer som mottar ÅForsk Entreprenörstipendium är entreprenörer i Chalmers Ventures portföljbolag. ÅForsk Entreprenörstipendium är ett av Sveriges mest prestigefyllda pris inom entreprenörskap. Det tilldelas varje år till tio unika entreprenörer som visat sig extra ambitiösa och skickliga i utvecklingen av idéer. Varje entreprenör tilldelas 200 000 kronor för att stimulera deras […]
Press Release 🌟🚀// Chalmers Ventures is increasing its pace of investment in 2023
tisdag, 27 december, 2022
Chalmers Ventures is increasing its pace of investment in 2023 Following a decision by the board of the Chalmer’s Foundation, it has now been made clear that Chalmers Ventures will be investing SEK 70 million in 2023. – Chalmers Ventures invests in companies that solve major global problems. It is important that we and players […]