Wallmark seminar: Fit to compete - Chalmers Ventures

Wallmark seminar: Fit to compete

Tuesday, May 14, 2019 16:00 to 17:00

Veras Gräsmatta

Wallmark seminar: Fit to compete – How to build a High commitment and High performing organization

with Michael Beer, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

About the seminar

What are the challenges faced by organizations trying to combine high commitment to social value with high financial performance? Professor Beer argues that the main hurdle for organizations is the absence of a core management process that enables them to have open and honest conversations about what stands in the way of their success. In this seminar, he will share thoughts from his forthcoming book – “Fit to compete – How to build a high commitment and high performing organization”.

Professor Michael Beer is an esteemed researcher and management expert. He has for many years worked to understand and support organizations with the ambition to combine high commitment to social value with high financial performance. He is well known for his work on organization effectiveness, organizational change, high commitment, high performance organizations, leadership, as well as human resource management.

Please register before 13 May at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wallmark-seminar-fit-to-compete-tickets-60804023471

Coffee will be served, and there will be time for casual mingling after.



About the Wallmark seminar

The Wallmark seminars are held in memory of Professor Torkel Wallmark, who was appointed Professor of Innovation Technology at Chalmers University of Technology in 1983. This was the first professorship of its kind in Sweden. Professor Wallmark is remembered for his contributions to the development of a methodological and highly successful innovation approach, which still thrives at Chalmers today.