Morning boost with Ella Guiladi & Jan Burenius - Chalmers Ventures

Morning boost with Ella Guiladi & Jan Burenius

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 08:00 to 09:00

Veras Gräsmatta, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8


EWB Sweden is a volunteer-based NGO established at all Universities of Technology in Sweden. With well over 1200 members EWB actively supports Agenda 2030 both in Sweden and abroad by using our engineering expertise to create a future that is more sustainable and equal.

In Sweden we:

  • Inspire and support youths to higher education and show children the importance if technology.
  • Link companies with newly arrived engineers and scientists to improve work and social integration.
  • Arrange inspirational seminars and workshops linked to the Agenda 2030 challenges.
  • Arrange Openhacks focusing on how digital technology can add value to the challenges ahead.

In our international projects we partner up with local NGOs and the local community and authorities in a needs based approach focusing on:

  • Water and sanitation
  • Renewable energy and digitization
  • Low cost building technology
  • Sustainable food supply
  • Entrepreneurship

EWB Sweden strive for long term partnerships with an emphasis on schools and hospitals in rural communities.

Jan Burenius is vice Chairman of EWB Sweden and board member of Openhack. Ella Guiladi is a M.Sc student in Complex Adaptive Systems and Group Leader at Engineers Without Borders Chalmers Student Union.

We will be serving a light breakfast with coffee/tea (for those who sign up).

Time: 08.00-08.45 am (The door opens at 8.00, talk will begin at 8.15)
Where: Veras Gräsmatta, Vera Sandbergsallé 8, Göteborg
Cost: Free

We will be serving a light breakfast with coffee/tea (for those who sign up).


Start your morning with inspirational talks at Veras Gräsmatta. You will be able to meet interesting and inspiring people from the world of innovation and entrepreneurship – whilst having breakfast. You will meet entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, researchers and experts and other people that are passionate about entrepreneurship. Are you one of them?

Get your ticket here.